Sunday, 06 March 2011 17:30 Last Updated on Thursday, 24 March 2011 08:39
Legal - Judgment Articles
Summaries of Legal Judgments are in our Legal Library. A few articles about important judgments are included in this area.
Fidler v. Sun Life - 2006
Lowe v. Guarantee Insurance Company of North America - 2005
The National ME/FM Action Network applied for and was granted Intervener Status in Lowe v. The Guarantee Company of North America
. The Court of Appeal Order of Mr. Justice Lane, on September 2, 2003disent itled the Plaintiff's right to pursue an action for negligence and bad faith in the exercise of a statutory duty by a Designated Assessment Centres (DAC) doctor. The Network took this important issue to court on behalf of the ME/CFS and FMS communities.
The Intervener Status Judgment was handed down on July 15, 2005.
The judgment is quite complicated but it basically supports our position that DAC assessors must be neurtral and unbiased. We would like to thank and congratulate our lawyer, Mr. Hugh Scher, for a job well done.
Our Consel, Hugh Scher, explains the judgment.
Intervener Status (full judgment)
Keays v. Honda
precedent setting case - 2005
Honda Worker's Punitive Damages Slashed Nov. 2006
Canadian Employment Law Today
Trial Lawyers cite Canadian Consensus Document for Fibromyalgia in Florida Supreme Court case regarding physical trauma as a cause of Fibromyalgia.
$31,700,000 verdict in favour of disabled doctor against Unum Provident, 2003