Saturday, 22 October 2016 14:07 Last Updated on Saturday, 22 October 2016 21:55
Medical - Overviews
by Alison C Bested and Lynn M Marshall
This review was written for treating clinicians. The article talks about diagnosing ME/CFS and about its etiology, pathophysiology, management approach, long-term prognosis and economic cost.
Dr Bested was a member of the expert panel that developed the Canadian Consensus Criteria and a member of the panel that developed the IACFS/ME Primer. This article builds on those two documents and incorporates developments since the Primer was released.
The article was released in "Reviews of Environmental Health", a journal published by the company De Gruyter. It can be viewed on the De Gruyter site here
Supplementary Article Materials
Article matériaux supplémentaires
The French translation is courtesy of the National ME/FM Action Network.